Madison, WI is a quintessential college town. The 933-acre campus is located on the shores of scenic Lake Mendota in the heart of the city. Madison is home to approximately 300,000 people and is where big-city opportunities meet small-town conveniences. As a Badger, opportunities match your boundless imagination. Here at UW–Madison, we’re motivated by a tradition known as the Wisconsin Idea, described by university President Charles Van Hise in 1904 as the compelling need to carry “the beneficent influence of the university…to every home in the state.” The Wisconsin Idea signifies the principle that education should influence people’s lives beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Our motivation is supported by a more than $1 billion annual investment in research. This investment has led to the creation of state-of-art research facilities on campus, all available for you to use.
A core is a group or facility that provides shared access to research resources. This Directory contains searchable information — provided by resource owners and service providers — about broadly shared resources and services that support research in the sciences at UW-Madison.
The National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM) is a Biomedical Technology Research Resource (BTRR), a National Institutes of Health (NIH) / National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)-funded, shared instrumentation laboratory located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Biochemistry.
The UW-Madison Cryo-Electron Microscopy Research Center (CEMRC) is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art instrumentation, technical assistance, training, and access to cryo-EM for the UW-Madison research community and researchers at other institutions. The CEMRC manages and operates four cryo-microscopes for data collection by single particle, tomography, and micro-ED.
When you are ready to take a break from working, Madison will not disappoint. We have a vibrant downtown area with shops and restaurants directly connected to the university through State Street. If you enjoy the outdoors, there are more than 150 miles of running, hiking and biking trails, and we have the most parks per capita of any comparable city in the United States.